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General enrollment is open through Feb. 28. Newborn enrollment for children younger than 1 year of age extends through July 31.

Step One: Pick a Plan Type

How much you pay per Tuition Unit depends on the unit type and payment option you choose. Tuition unit prices are based on actual tuition and required fees at Texas public colleges and universities and are updated each September to reflect any changes in those costs.

Generally, 100 Tuition Units are good for 30 semester hours, or one academic year of college with typical course work at the school that most closely matches the unit’s pricing structure. The actual number of semester hours covered by a unit will depend on the type of units purchased and the college selected. See the Pricing Schedule and Redemption Guide for more information.

The three Tuition Unit types suit a variety of budgets and educational goals. All Tuition Units can be used at any type of public college or university in Texas. The number of units required will depend on the college or university your Beneficiary selects and the type of tuition units purchased. See the Pricing Schedule and Redemption Guide for more information.